LOCAL FREE OFFER. The Secret to Being Slim runs an exercise class on Thursdays during school terms at 9.00 am in Cherry Hinton Hall by the duck pond. (Term time and fair weather only). Comfortable sports clothing and footwear are enough. All abilities are welcome.

This is a recreational training, the aim of which is to instill in you new, healthy habits and convince you that the exercises have a good effect on your body. Please look out for details on the Facebook Page the Secret to Being Slim. The class is called Treasure Hunt, because we are looking for treasures around the Cherry Hinton Hall park previous RUN ENGLAND route. The treasures are benches, red boxes and stones from the ancient mill. We can only exercise when we find the treasures. Benches mean squats, red boxes burpees and stones are press ups. There are bonus treasures which are the ordinary bins, and once those are found the star jumps can be performed.

The class lasts 1 hour starting with a warm-up and finishing with the stretches and cool down.

All abilities are welcome. If you would like to walk slowly around the park without exercising it is still worth coming to get some fresh air and good company.

Disclaimer: This is a free non instructed class and all attendance is at you own risk. Please, contact your doctor before attending.