
„Importance of the routine in life”

Every day, think to yourself, “what is the date in numbers?”(like today is the 8th), then open this book on the page of the same day and look for guidance for that day. Ideally, follow the book every day if you can. The days are numbered from 1 to 31 for each day of the month. Every day, look at the day. For example, if today is the 8th then look at the 8th day and eat and exercise as it is prescribed on the day numbered 8. This will create the good habit of always eating healthily, as every day will have a number forever.

Paragraph above is from the beginning to the The Secret To Being Slim book. The word habit is at the beginning of the book and it is also one of the secrets To Being Slim revealed in the book.

The habits of healthy eating and exercising will make you look great and feel great. Habits are just the daily routine which negates the act of having to will or motivate yourself to do something. Willpower is finite and motivation is not constant. That is why relying on routine to shop for food, prepare it and exercising is a lot easier than relying on willpower and motivation. Yes, when establishing a routine, you do have to will and motivate yourself to get stick the the routine. But once the routine is set, it is on autopilot and the need for constant willpower and motivation is no longer necessary.

Structure of the The Secret To Being Slim is a way of organizing your life so that it makes sense to you. You wake up with a sense of ownership, order, and organization of your life and feel instantly great and look better in your cloths.

One of the more convenient reasons why structure of the The Secret To Being Slim is important is because it negates the need to regularly schedule your menu ahead of time. You already know what you are eating each and every day. Once you are finished with a day, you already know what is next on your schedule. This structure provides direction in your eating habits, enabling you to act instead of standing still because of a lack of direction or decision paralysis (not doing anything because you don’t know which slimming book to follow, what to eat, what exercise to do).

Actively and consciously building a daily routine for you instills plenty of good habits. When we consciously decide what we want to do with every day of our lives, we generally want to do what makes us happy or what gives us the most utility. As such, we build tons of good habits along the way by actively participating in our daily lives.

A routine is something that you do over and over again, eventually making it a habit. Once it is a habit, you do not need to think about it to act. The act of automation increases efficiency in your life, by enabling you to do things without consciously thinking about it. You will automatically go for fresh vegetables, water and whole meal, without having to remind yourself about healthy choices. In this manner, you do not let anything slip and you save time by not having to decide what to do with your day.

Routinely doing something every day, even if it is just a little bit, builds big momentum in the long run. This is because it all adds up at the end. .Eating, just 20 calories a day less will make us 2 pounds lighter in a year’ time. Running a mile a week during the Treasure Hunt means you will have ran 52 miles in a year, the distance of almost 2 marathons. Reading 1 page a day means you will have read The Secret To Being Slim book 5 times in one year cover to cover.

Developing a routine will help you become faster and more adept at healthy lifestyle because you do it each and every day. If you are constantly practising excel each and every day, you will become a better accountant. If you are constantly cooking, you will become a better cook. If you constantly practice The Secret To Being Slim, you will become fluent in it.

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